To get the most of your paint, it is important to use a primer. If you opt for a paint that does not come mixed with a primer, this is essential for preventing unsightly streaks, premature fading, weak color integrity, and a variety of other issues associated with uneven application or rapid wear. A primer creates an even surface that clings to paint particles for smooth application and vibrant color saturation. Primers often contain ingredients that inhibit natural damage, such as mold or sun exposure, resulting in durable results that resist fading or cracking when subject to weathering and corrosive elements.
Priming is a vital step when applying paint to any surface. Whether you are repainting your home, treating an outdoor deck or staining furniture, priming the surface is an essential step to guaranteeing the results you desire.
Richard’s Paint produces premium quality primers and undercoats for nearly every kind of surface. We offer a range of colors and translucency options in different textures to meet your painting needs. For your convenience, we’ve formulated our primers so that they are easy to apply and quick to dry.
Some painted surfaces that are subject to chalking or are exposed to heavier conditions are best protected with a sealer. We create sealers for a range of surfaces to inhibit a variety of common elements, including water, rust, wood rot, and cracking due to temperature fluctuation or sun exposure. We offer a range of sealers that are that are non-toxic and environmentally safe for interior and exterior use.
Richard’s Paint products are made with premium materials for superior-quality results. They are USDA approved and safety regulated for your protection. Discover our collection of primers and sealers for your next project, or try our two-in-one paint-and-primer formulas for ultimate ease. Ready to start? Visit us and find what you need to complete your next project!