Inspire your whole neighborhood with extraordinary exterior colors that can withstand weathers harsh effects. Richard’s Paint can help you leave a lasting impression for years to come. To help narrow down some colors, choose a few things around your house that are more permanent fixtures of the design and take inspiration from them. Roofing, bricks and stone colors are all great places to start. Be sure to choose colors that contrast and complement prominent features of your home in order to add some dimension to the exterior of your house.
Need additional inspiration? Step outside and see what colors are around your neighborhood. Color choices can drastically change from country to urban settings, and this can help your colors flow smoothly. For classic to modern styles and everything in between, visit Richard’s Paint to find beautiful colors to match your style.
Choose colors that are complemented by the lighting around your home. Paint color may look very different once applied to your home and exposed to fluctuations in lighting throughout the progression of the day, so make sure to test out some options first. Consider how you feel about the paint sample at various points throughout the day to get the best idea of how it looks under different hues of natural light.
Windows, porches and furniture surrounding the property can all make a difference on the final decision of the exterior color, but sheen is another important factor. The finish of a paint is a big decision, and can impact how your paint hides imperfections or retains heat. Whether you want your home to flow with surrounding residences or you’d like to make a statement, Richard’s Paint has the products to reflect your style and withstand weathering.